Drive Performance with Results-Focused Coaching
Coaching for Results demystifies coaching by immersing readers in the specific skills that are required of word-class coaches and explains how to get started on enhancing their ability to coach using CMOE’s Coaching TIPS²™ Model. Based on decades of research, this practical and proven process equips readers with the skills needed to coach for performance improvement and development.

Book Overview
Coaching for Results: 5 TIPS for Driving Performance is a compact read with sound and practical advice for today’s busy leaders who want to improve how they navigate all kinds of coaching interactions.
The basis for this book, CMOE’s Coaching TIPS² ™ Model, is a proven process for
coaching others effectively in the workplace and driving performance results.
This Model developed out of years of research on the habits and behaviors of the most successful coaches working in challenging job environments—and the results of that research are undeniable: when individual contributors receive good coaching from peers and leaders, their performance and value to the organization increases.
If you are uncomfortable coaching others or just want to improve your current coaching
capabilities, the specific, actionable steps contained in this book are exactly what you
Coaching for Results will help you harness the individual strengths of others and build relationships that will take you further than you ever dreamed.
Exclusive Offers For Bulk Orders
We’re so excited to share our new book with you and hope you enjoyed reading the free excerpt! (If you haven’t yet, use the link provided to access your copy.) We know that, no matter the size or type of the organization, the future belongs to those organizations and leaders who inspire new levels of performance. Leaders today must be skilled coaches who can ignite the potential in others and help people achieve great results. Coaching for Results is a compact guidebook that provides the fundamental coaching TIPS that you—and your leaders—need to become world-class coaches. Get Coaching for Results now—for yourself and everyone in your group—and receive an exclusive gift package with your order!
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Free E-Copy of Win-Win Partnerships
When you order 1 physical copy of Coaching for Results, you will receive
- A free e-copy of the groundbreaking book, Win-Win Partnerships: Be on the Leading Edge with Synergistic Coaching by Steven J. Stowell, Ph.D. and Matt M. Starcevich, Ph.D.
About Win-Win Partnerships: In the workplace and at home, it seems everyone is moving faster, trying to do more with less, and working hard to accomplish challenging goals and drive big initiatives. More than ever, lasting success requires that we partner with the key players in our personal and professional lives. Win-Win Partnerships is a guide and resource you will return to again and again to help you:
- Develop critical skills that will help you build learning relationships.
- Engage others in productive dialogue.
- Create synergistic coaching that is open, honest, respectful, and spontaneous.

Win-Win Partnerships and the Coaching for Results Starter Kit
When you order 2–14 physical copies of Coaching for Results, you will receive:
- One free e-copy of Stowell and Starcevich’s book Win-Win Partnerships per physical copy of Coaching for Results purchased
- A free Coaching for Results Starter Kit that includes resources and tools designed to deepen understanding and motivate action.
- A printable poster: What is Coaching in Five Words?
- E-copy of CMOE’s Coaching Effectiveness Evaluator
- CMOE’s article, “Coaching: A Commitment to Leadership”

Win-Win Partnerships, Coaching for Results Starter Kit, and the Coaching for Results Expansion Kit
When you order 15–29 physical copies of Coaching for Results, you will receive:
- One free e-copy of Stowell and Starcevich’s book Win-Win Partnerships per physical copy of Coaching for Results purchased
- A free Coaching for Results Starter Kit (described above)
- A free Coaching for Results Expansion Kit with additional resources and sustainability tools that support your growth as a world-class coach.
- CMOE’s article, “Grow the People, Grow the Business”
- 15 days of supporting “Coaching Tips of the Day” e-mails to support your development as a coach
- 2 printable posters:
- How to Coach Through the Stages of Learning in 3 Simple Steps
- The Hierarchy of Supportive Leader Behaviors

All Previous Gifts PLUS One Free Hour of Consultation with CMOE
When you pre-order 30–99 copies of Coaching for Results, you will receive:
- One free e-copy of Stowell and Starcevich’s book Win-Win Partnerships per physical copy of Coaching for Results purchased
- A free Coaching for Results Starter Kit (described above)
- A free Coaching for Results Expansion Kit (described above)
- One hour of complimentary consultation time with one of CMOE’s master facilitators (see details below)
- A printable Coaching TIPS²™ Model poster
- CMOE’s “Synergy” Coaching Newsletter (12-part series)
About Your Consultation Time: Your one-hour consultation time can be used for whatever purpose you wish. You may choose to discuss the results of your Coaching Effectiveness Evaluator, personal coaching challenges, the needs of your organization’s leaders, deeper insights into applying the Model, or any other relevant topics you’d like to explore with our expert.

All Previous Gifts PLUS a 4-Hour Coaching Series Webinar
When you pre-order 100–299 copies of Coaching for Results, you will receive:
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- A free Coaching for Results Expansion Kit (described above)
- One hour of complimentary consultation time with one of CMOE’s master facilitators (described above)
- A printable Coaching TIPS²™ Model poster
- CMOE’s “Synergy” Coaching Newsletter (12-part series)
- A complimentary four-hour “Coaching Series Webinar” with one of CMOE’s master facilitators
About CMOE’s 4-hour Coaching Series Webinar: The four hours allotted for this webinar can either be delivered over the course of four (approximately) 1-hour sessions or run in a single session—whatever fits your team’s needs best. The date(s) and time(s) selected for the webinar series will be subject to the mutually agreed-upon availability of the host and CMOE’s facilitators. All participants will also receive the “Synergy” newsletter series.

All Previous Gifts PLUS a Free* 1-day, Live Coaching TIPS²™ Workshop
When you pre-order 300+ copies of Coaching for Results, you will receive:
- One free e-copy of Stowell and Starcevich’s book Win-Win Partnerships per physical copy of Coaching for Results purchased
- A free Coaching for Results Starter Kit (described above)
- A free Coaching for Results Expansion Kit (described above)
- One hour of complimentary consultation time with one of CMOE’s master facilitators (described above)
- A printable Coaching TIPS²™ Model poster
- CMOE’s “Synergy” Coaching Newsletter (12-part series)
- A complimentary four-hour “Coaching Series Webinar” with one of CMOE’s master facilitators (described above)
- A free* One-Day Coaching TIPS²™ Workshop taught by one of CMOE’s master facilitators at a location of your choice.
About Your One-Day Workshop: CMOE is the most experienced coaching company in the world. For over 40 years, we have developed coaching workshops and tools based on a proven process that is backed by extensive and ongoing research. The Coaching TIPS²™ Workshop uses this research and the Coaching TIPS²™ Model to help participants build the fundamental skills they need to successfully coach others.
In addition to learning the Model, participants will have the opportunity to apply and receive feedback on these skills during the workshop using real-world case studies. Participants also receive helpful tools, including the Coaching TIPS²™ Planning Guide, to successfully apply the skills in the workplace. The proven design of the program benefits leaders at all levels and helps establish a consistent coaching culture and framework in the organization.
In addition to a comprehensive Coaching TIPS²™ Participant Workbook, each participant will receive a Coaching TIPS²™ Pocket Guide, Wallet Card, and Mug.
- You may invite up to 20 people to attend this one-day workshop.
- The date selected for this free* workshop will be subject to the mutually agreed-upon availability of the host and CMOE’s facilitators.
*Host will pay for travel and lodging for the CMOE instructor and the shipping expenses for the workshop materials. These charges will vary depending on the event date and location.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who is this book for?
This book describes a research-based coaching process and model that can be used by anyone who provides coaching to others and wants to exercise positive influence to help others succeed. It has a specific focus on leaders who coach (formally and informally) in organizations of all types and sizes. The responsibility of coaching should not be taken lightly, so if you want a proven mechanism for unleashing the performance of others and building the talents of people who will take on the future, this book is for you.
2. Who should I coach?
A common misconception is that coaching should focus on the most challenging employees, those who require a lot of time and attention from leaders. The old saying, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” illustrates this concept perfectly. However, the true purpose of coaching should be to address the behaviors and opportunities of average or competent performers. In a common work setting, “competent” performers make up a big portion of an organization’s talent—as much as 80%. Coaches can make the greatest difference by attending to this larger group of people and working towards unlocking their potential, rather than focusing so much of their time and attention on top performers and underperformers.
4. What do I coach about?
Coaching is a tool that can be used to address behaviors or opportunities that fall along the full continuum of performance. What makes the Coaching TIPS²™ process described in the book so powerful is that it works in many different kinds of situations: coaching on development opportunities, helping others achieve alignment with changing demands or directions, and supporting people in improving their performance so they can meet desired goals and objectives.
6. Can I use this coaching process to coach in a virtual setting?
Virtual coaching—coaching for those who work and lead from a distance—can be accomplished very successfully by using the coaching process described in the book. Early research in this area shows that distance coaching can be just as effective as coaching that is done face-to-face. However, the challenges of virtual coaching are more apparent when video conferencing is not possible. In that situation, the body language and vocal cues we depend on to help us send and receive accurate messages are missing, so communicating accurately is more difficult. This leaves plenty of room for misunderstandings. To make up for the missing non-verbal communication cues, we recommend that you conduct your coaching conversations by phone whenever possible. Voice communication helps to reduce misunderstandings because all parties on the call can hear pauses in the conversation and the emotions and vocal intonations of others.
8. How do I learn more about the Coaching TIPS²™ process described in the book?
CMOE provides training programs on the Coaching TIPS²™ Model. Check out our coaching products and services on our website. You can also subscribe to our blog to access relevant resources and information that will help you enhance your ability to coach as well as develop your leadership abilities in other areas. Call or message a CMOE representative at any time to learn more about the wide variety of cutting-edge coaching and leadership solutions we offer. We would love to hear from you!
3. When do I coach?
There are two main types of coaching situations: formal and informal. Formal coaching discussions are deliberate and planned in advance. Informal coaching happens during unplanned and spontaneous events that surface on a day-to-day basis. Typically, leaders will have fewer occasions for formal coaching discussion than informal ones, but both are important in building relationships and engaging human capital. Coaching is rarely a one-time event. Instead, it is an ongoing process of building partnerships to support an organization’s improvement. Ideally, you should be in the habit of coaching people before a pressing need for coaching arises. If that is not possible, you should hold a coaching conversation immediately after you recognize the need for coaching.
5. How do I coach people in a flexible way?
Every coaching situation comes with numerous factors that must be taken into consideration if the coaching is to be successful. Culture is one of those factors. People have different personality styles, backgrounds, values, etc., and everyone prefers to be coached in a different fashion. People in South America are different in their style and communication preferences from people in North America. People in Asia have different requirements and expectations than people in Europe. “High-context” people need a lot of background information and explanation, as well as plenty of time to respond and react. If you are a “low-context” coach, you could make the mistake of rushing through the topic too quickly or coming across as insensitive or aggressive. You will need to anticipate needs, think about the personality and style of the individual, and then make any necessary adjustments to your application of the coaching process under a given set of circumstances.
7. How do I start putting my new coaching knowledge and skills into practice?
There are two main types of coaching situations: formal and informal. Formal coaching discussions are deliberate and planned in advance. Informal coaching happens during unplanned and spontaneous events that surface on a day-to-day basis. Typically, leaders will have fewer occasions for formal coaching discussion than informal ones, but both are important in building relationships and engaging human capital. Coaching is rarely a one-time event. Instead, it is an ongoing process of building partnerships to support an organization’s improvement. Ideally, you should be in the habit of coaching people before a pressing need for coaching arises. If that is not possible, you should hold a coaching conversation immediately after you recognize the need for coaching.

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